Reading anything you write is to me like tea in the afternoon reclining on the sofa with something lovely on the CD player set to random. I love what you say and how you say it. Amused and entertained. Bill

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Yes, Herbie was gay. Definitely. But only slightly fey in manner and cadence. A lovely gentleman and one of the kindest critics one could imagine, unlike his opposite number at the Star, the appalling and pretentious Nathan Cohen who showed up at opening nights in a cape and flourishing a knob-handled cane.

Herbie truly loved theatre and was a huge booster of Canadian work. Cohen, by contrast, disdained everything Canadian, including the Stratford Festival, claiming high standards.

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Bravo! Tallulah is a particular favourite. I'd love to know wh/o/at is you AI Artist In Residence, though.

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Bill I have just bought another copy of A Child's Garden of Verses. MY COPY in my mother's apartment at the time of her death, went to my brother. The HUGE 'Elephant in the Room' with my little brother is WHO OWNS THE BOOKS? I'm almost 6 years older. MY children's library was WELL ESTABLISHED at the time of his birth. He has SOLE rights to Thomas the Tank Engine. All the others including A.A. Milne, CAM, Margaret Tarrant (Little Grey Rabbit) were in my library long before his arrival on earth.

Who owns the Gainsborough pales in significance.I have Mavis's Short Stories by the bed for comfort/ amusement/insomnia. I'm also devoted to Eudora Welty/Bill Richardson

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