So much fun. You send us down such fun rabbit holes, especially those of us who are retired with active Google fingers. Do you suppose that Margaret Culkin Banning, who also wrote 36 bestselling novels on social justice themes, had fingered her uncle in a literary portrait in the story and that his suicide was the result? And who was the last poet whose death received attention anything like approaching Tennyson's? (Robert Frost?) I also mentally swapped out Rubens' effete Daniel in the lion's den for your AI generated Tarzan. Much better.

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Hard to imagine a more pleasant way of dying than by reading, in comfort, a good book.

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As usual, your writing has me smiling and appreciating your wit and then - blam - Elizabeth, a woman unknown and forgotten, hits me in the heart. If I die reading, may it be at such moments you have created. Oh, and a sidecar was the drink I ordered at the Oak Bay marina bar, when I was newly 21 and ordering my first (legal) drink. The ONLY name I knew was sidecar. From where, I have no idea. My friends were suitably impressed for about a minute. Then I tasted it. I should have gone with rye whiskey, straight up, my father's drink.

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Winner of the Worst Name for a Cocktail. Fun read - thanks! (And good to know if you're trying to hold off on dying, try not reading...)

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