Lovely interview, fascinating person.

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As well as being so interesting in itself this conversation you and Yara have had (normally I have gulped the entire bodum of coffee by now and I still have a couple cups to go!), It was also a jolt of inspiration giving me a little extra vim and vigour for work this morning in the studio ( studio is a state of mind-it is the other side of my living room lol) - I don't think I could explain why really just know it was.

Thank you Bill and Yara

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Mavis seems to float through time in so many ways during this wonderful interview with Yara Zgheib. Thanks so much.

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I need to find some new adjectives for my comments after listening to/watching these terrific interviews. So much information, never a 'lecture,' an informality that has me bringing my mug of coffee (nice tea cup, Bill!) so I can join you as if there. Thank you!

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