Disagree. Your writing: essential reading.

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I'm actually, luckily not feeling miserable, and just in the nick of time for Joy Sunday, the 3rd one in Advent, for anyone who can still follow that stuff. I loved those Erma Bombecks from Tennessee -- Lucy and Nellie --living in the mid-century wilds.

We'll be invoking Isaiah tomorrow morning, as per usual, to acknowledge the land of Toronto, a bit less by rote than usual: "There’s good news today. The place we live in is not entirely a wasteland, nor desert. Other people live here ..."

And we'll finish our Carol service with Sister Sylvia, gone these 30 years now, but not forgotten (to an old, familiar tune):

Like the twinkling of an eye,

angels winging through the night.

Glory, glory glimmering,

hope of heaven shining bright.

Gloria in excelsis Deo!

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Thank you Bill. Serendipity that your letter and thoughts about Christmas arrived in the nick of time. I will work at being less miserable,stir my stumps and take the dogs for a hike.

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